Thursday, April 29, 2010

Another Busy day at the Polls.

Day 4 is now in the books for early voting, If its anything like the last 3, turnout will be record setting. Each of the first 3 days have brought over 500 people out to vote each day. Last year after 3 days I think they had about 400 total. People are active and very interested in this election as they should be.

If you have already voted, thank you so much. Go out and tell your friends and neighbors to do the same. If you would like, go and knock on some doors and find out if your neighbors have already joined you or aren't really sure what this election is all about.

In the past it was always said, issues that effect the western parts of the town are not those that have any impact on those in the east and visa versa.

This year, the many people I have met and talked to were not aware of the Morriss Issue last year, but have shown an interest and see how the current town majority works. Their issues have been the expanding gas exploration, pipelines, collection facilities that are threatening schools and their homes. Drive out along Scenic Drive, among the huge trucks and see the enormity of these structures. Although, the people that live out there and opted to lease their mineral rights have every right to do as they please with their property. However now these friendly gas companies (I'm sure you have gotten their mailers and phone calls) feel they have free reign to drill baby drill, because of the current political climate.

Many of you enter our town by way of 2499 and all of us have become accustom to the wide open spaces as you drive north. Well look at it now because that is about to end. The Hilliard Property, which is on the east side of 2499 just south of Flower Mound Rd has applied for drilling permits. Another well is planned at 2499 and Spinks not far from the Middle School. Several wells are being planned for the fields just to the east of The Bakersfield Sports facility, just across the border in Lewisville. Our friends at Williams of Tulsa Oklahoma, said they would NOT drill any further east of Shiloh Rd (in Flower Mound, small print on their mailer) but they failed to tell us they are drilling as close to Flower Mound as you can get across the street in Lewisville. Good Neighbors?

Gas and Oil exploration is now an issue to everyone in Flower Mound, as is Development of the bad sort, Roads, such as Morriss.

Please tell your friends and neighbors what our current mayor and her majority in the town council plan to sleaze on all of us next.

Its time for a change and common sense. Vote Northern, Filidoro and Lyda.

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