Sunday, April 4, 2010

Signs are sprouting everywhere.

This morning as I drove to work at 530am, I started to notice the proliferation of Re-elect the Mayor signs, I'm sure most of you have noticed also. It seems anywhere you see a posting for commercial real-estate on the streets you will also notice the SWR grouping of signs (Smith,Webb,Robinson), not as catchy as NFL so I guess we can call them SWEAR for a lack of a better term. They seem to be conveniently in the vicinity of property being listed by Flower Mound's largest commercial real estate broker, Todd Weaver. I took a look at his business web sight and noticed he has a rather large project that begun back in December in the vicinity of Chinn Chapel and 407 called Jernigan Heights. Wait, isn't that conveniently located across the street from the soccer field the town is trying to swap out and we will be voting on that issue next month? SWEAR signs joined at the hip at most of his properties? Hmmm. Maybe you have also noticed that most of the NFL signs in town are on Residential properties and some non-Weaver associated commercial properties?
This same point was brought up last year and property owners have every right to deny usage to opposing candidates. I, most definitely would choose to use a business that allowed the NFL signs, that is my right also. But, the close association with Chinn Chapel area, soccer fields, out of town developers salivating to break ground on the next "The Casitas at La Flore Monton de Tierra", Williams Corp drooling in erecting a Derrick where ever a variance may land, troubles me and should trouble all of us.

Our friends at Williams have already spent tens of thousands of dollars for a phone bank operation out of the back room of a Guitar Center in Cedar Rapids Iowa to blanket the town with telemarketing calls and a survey on our opinions of Oil and Gas exploration, Which candidates you favor and probably asked your favorite color too.
They love our town, well, not really they love the soft government that loves free BBQs, loves giving money to the YMCA, The High School bands, yada, yada, yada.
The Williams gang will start a door to door canvasing starting next week, to promote themselves as good neighbors who have our best interests in mind and will probably pass out some really nifty swag for your time, oh and by the way if you want this cool pen or key chain with a whistle on it, please vote for the SWEAR group. They too are good neighbors and are GREEN like us. Have a nice day.

Sure they can't directly give the SWEAR group buckets of money for their campaigns, but they sure can spend their own money promoting themselves, the need for a bigger soccer field, oh and by the way we need bigger roads to get in and out of your town, so we need to make Morriss Rd a six lane superhighway past your schools and houses.
All for a Key Chain?

Im sure it won't stop there, the developers from "The Casitas at La Flore Monton de Tierra" will tell you all about the beautiful "The Casitas at La Flore Monton de Tierra II and III" they want to build at the Riverwalk or down the street from you or and any of the vacant properties that currently house campaign signs for the SWEAR group.

So, the moral of this long winded tirade is this, Don't trust anyone who SWEARS.


  1. Thanks for posting this information. We have about a month to go before the upcoming election. Time is of essence and I want to ensure concerned residents that the fight over the planned expansion of Morriss/Gerault is far from over. As mentioned in an earlier post the trigger for the expansion was The Riverless Walk and as of now that development will not materialize. We now have the opportunity the elect a Town Council that will listen to concerned residents. Are they or for that sake we going to agree on every issue. Of course not, but I think a majority of us would like some consideration before being bullldozed by developers who only have one thing in mind ($$$).

    • We need a Town Council that will support SmartGrowth.

    • We need a Town Council that will support the Master Pan.

    • We need a Town Council that are fiscally responsible

    • We need a Town Council that will not sacrifice residents health and safety

    • We need a Town Council that will respect the will of its residents

    It’s time for change and the candidates I will SUPPORT are Al Filidoro, Steve Lyda for Council and Melissa Northern for Mayor. I have proudly put up tree of their largest signs on my property. You can’t miss them driving North on Morriss. I urge each and every one of you to get signs put up. We need to show them that we are unified. Please contact us if you have questions regarding these candidates and would like some signs for your yard.

  2. I am led to believe that Cole McDowell (Mr. Parker Square), has missed a payment or two on his agreement with the town to widen Morriss on the East side of Riverwalk. BTW, you cannot widen Morriss without addressing a huge Sight Distance needed at Morriss and Fuqua. I've walked every foot of that area and coming out of Fuqua and turning South is almost suicidal. Rick Cleland
