Friday, April 16, 2010


It seems the forces are against the citizens of our town. After several setbacks it appears the planned debate at Parker Square will not happen. All the candidates were invited and given the format and were told to respond by April 9th. They responded with the following comments:

"Over the past few days, we have received an overwhelming level of support from a variety of dedicated and concerned Flower Mound citizens over the journalistic integrity and neutrality of your "Debate". "

The citizens have raised the following concerns that Flower Mound Cares:

1) Is a single-issue organization focusing solely on oil and gas drilling.
2)Has already endorsed a slate of candidates hand picked by key members of your organization.
3)Had members distort facts and utilize scare and intimidation tactics.
4) Is closely affiliated with
5)Had members at numerous council meetings display a lack of civility and respect for other town citizens.
6)Does not have a history as a qualified and balanced media contributor.

For these reasons we respectfully decline to participate in your "Debate".

signed Jody Smith, Gerald Robinson and Bryan Webb.

All the reasons were unfounded accusations.

Instead they invited us all to attend the New Connections forum to be held at town hall by an "independent respected moderator" (none other than Bob Weir).

We responded to their letter and told them we would change the format to just a forum, not debate just 10 minutes to state their platform. They again flatly denied the invitation.

Candidates Al Filidoro, Steve Lyda and Melissa Northern all graciously accepted the invitation at the first request and accepted the terms of the revamped forum.

We decided we would proceed with the forum and hoped they would have a change of heart and attend so everyone could hear their views.

By the Way, Mr Webb's initial decline was also sent directly to the New Connection and was published the next day.

We issued a press release stating the event and were in the process of sending the invitations to citizens, when we received an email from a Property Manager at Parker Square rescinding the permit to use the property since all the candidates would not be attending. After trying to secure another location, it seems it is now dead. More information and details will follow. Believe me, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

1 comment:

  1. By the way, Gerald Robinson commented at the Bridlewood Debate that he was all for the total road expansion of Morriss Rd. As you may recall he was one of the commissioners of the Transportation Committee not listening to us last may. He also calls himself "The Green Candidate". Hmmm a environmentalist that wants to lay more concrete and take away median and greenscape, increase noise, polution, etc? Green? the only green he cares about is money. Don't let him try and greenspeak (look that word up, its a great one) his way into town hall. Also, Bryan Webb just happens to be the Mayor's financial advisor, and as a little insentive, Jody gate 1000.00 dollars to each of their campaigns, just as she did last year with Dixon and Wallace and Cox. With a 1000 dollar debt to the mayor, I don't see them voting against her just as Dixon and Wallace have been in lock step with her this past year.
