Saturday, March 14, 2009


Check out the new Stop Morris 6 group on Facebook.


  1. When I lived in NH, I organized a citizens group to block a Wal-Mart superstore in our community. The bottom line is that the town council(s) responsible for the decision will do it no matter what town residents have to say, if they really want to. There's a lot of behind the scenes dealing going on- consider what developers have at stake here as well.

    The only thing that will have a chance to stop it is a legal issue. In the case I dealt with, it was wetlands- in the Morris 6 case, you have to look at the details in every aspect of approvals required by local, state and federal regulations.

    The next thing is to hire a lawyer to flesh out the legal arguments and submit documents to the appropriate agencies.

    It doesn't hurt to energize the community and you need to do that for any public meetings that address this issue. Get someone to do PR and put articles in every paper, write letters to the editor and have separate meetings for the group to plan strategy.

    Good luck, I support your efforts.

  2. We have almost 25 facebook members now.

  3. Hannah, thanks for your comments. It is possible to make things happen.

  4. I can't find a group called Stop Morris 6 on FaceBook, has it been removed?
