Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Unbelievably Extraordinary

First, I would like to thank the 181 people who signed our petition tonight at the Standing Room only, overflowing crowd that showed up at Fire House One. The response was overwhelming and I was thrilled and energized to the point I will have a difficult time getting to sleep. Thank you to all those that showed up after the open house only to find we had to shut down due to the 200 plus neighbors, concerned citizens and loyal Flower Moundians that came to have their voices heard. A special thanks to the folks at Fire Station One for their hospitality at their house.

I personally would like to thank Michael Ryan, Director of Community Affairs for the Town of Flower Mound, for his help in securing the larger meeting room. Also to Ken Parr, Director of Public Works for his expertise.

Also we would like to thank Town Council candidates, Tom Hayden, Bob Butler, and Steve Dixon for showing up and speaking about our concerns.

I now think I can get some sleep, 4am comes way too fast. Good Night and my sincere thanks.


  1. Thanks for keeping us posted on your progress. I was unable to make it last night, but this is helping me stay in the loop.

  2. It was wonderful to see so many concerned citizens come together and discuss this issue last night; the turn out really blew me away. I also wanted to thank everyone for giving me a few minutes to speak about my position on this unnecessary expansion. It was and honor and a pleasure to meet and talk with many of you after the presentation, I appreciate your support. Let's keep up the good fight!!!!
